Announcing Release of First dnpLab Software
The Han Lab in collaboration with Bridge12 Technology and The Franck Lab (Syracuse University) are happy to announce the release of the first dnpLab software.
by Khanh Nguyen

dnpLab features our efforts to bring the Power of Python to DNP-NMR Spectroscopy.
The project is a collaboration between the Han Lab, Bridge12 Technologies, and The Franck Lab at Syracuse University, aiming to provide a free, turn-key processing package for easy processing and analysis of DMP-NMR data.
It is licensed by MIT License, featuring a modular approach to the import of DNP-NMR data in Topspin, VnmrJ, and Prospa formats, easy construction of N-dimensional data objects, and data processing of window, zero-filling, Fourier transforms, alignments, etc.
Development of dnpLab is sponsored by grants by the United States and the Germany, in particular the U.S. National Institute of Health, the U.S. National Science Foundation, the German Science Foundation, and Syracuse University.
Its authors include Timothy Keller, Thomas Casey, Yanxian Lin, John Franck, Thorsten Maly, and Songi Han.
More details about dnpLab can be found here: